You were attacked by Zeus Shahar
You won the fight, taking 26 damage and dealing 39 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by Zeus Shahar
You won the fight, taking 29 damage and dealing 36 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by Zeus Shahar
You won the fight, taking 21 damage and dealing 44 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by Zeus Shahar
You won the fight, taking 26 damage and dealing 39 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by take_u_there
You won the fight, taking 4 damage and dealing 43 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by Natey No Neck
You won the fight, taking 0 damage and dealing 29 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by miah1122
You won the fight, taking 6 damage and dealing 38 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by take_u_there
You won the fight, taking 4 damage and dealing 43 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by BOSS MAN AL CAPONE
You won the fight, taking 9 damage and dealing 50 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by Antonio Tony
You won the fight, taking 23 damage and dealing 45 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by BOSS MAN AL CAPONE
You won the fight, taking 13 damage and dealing 46 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by FritzMeister
You won the fight, taking 19 damage and dealing 25 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by BOSS MAN AL CAPONE
You won the fight, taking 11 damage and dealing 48 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by littlebigmac
You won the fight, taking 7 damage and dealing 49 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by Antonio Tony
You won the fight, taking 27 damage and dealing 41 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by littlebigmac
You won the fight, taking 9 damage and dealing 47 damage to your enemy. [delete]
You were attacked by FritzMeister
You won the fight, taking 21 damage and dealing 23 damage to your enemy. [delete]
Firestorm Dziekan has added you to the hit list for $193,029,160. [delete]