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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Benefit of the 45 Foods That Heal » Personal development for a perfect life

  • 1. Apples: protects your heart, prevents constipation, blocks diarrhea, improvesBenefit of the 45 Foods That Heal lung capacity, cushions joints.
  • 2. Apricots: combats cancer, controls blood pressure, saves your eyesight, sheilds against Alzheimer’s, slows aging process.
  • 3. Artichokes: aids digestion, lowers cholesterol, protects your heart, stabilizes blood sugar, guards against liver disease.
  • 5. Avocadoes: battles diabetes, lowers cholesterol, helps stops strokes, controls blood pressure, smoothes skin.
  • 6. Bananas: protects your heart, quiets a cough, strengthens bones, controls blood pressure, blocks diarrhea.
  • 7. Beans: prevents constipation, helps hemorroids, lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, stabilizes blood sugar.
  • 8. Beets: controls blood pressure, combats cancer, strengthens bones, protects your heart, aids weight loss.
  • 9. Blueberries: combats cancer, protects your heart, stabilizes blood sugar, boosts memory, prevents constipation.
  • 10. Broccoli: strengthens bones, saves eyesight, combats cancer, protects your heart , controls blood pressure.
  • 11. Cabbage: combats cancer, prevents constipation, promotes weight loss, protects your heart, helps hemorroids.
  • 12. Canteloupe: saves eyesight, controls blood pressure, lowers cholesterol,Benefit of the 45 Foods That Heal combats cancer, supports immune system.
  • 13. Carrots: saves eyesight, protects your heart, prevents constipation, combats cancer , promotes weight loss.
  • 14. Cauliflower: protects against prostate cancer, combats breast cancer, strengthens bones, banishes bruises, guards against heart disease.
  • 15. Cherries: protects your heart, combats cancer, ends insomnia, slows aging process, sheilds against Alzheimer’s.
  • 16. Chestnuts: promotes weight loss, protects your heart, lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, controls blood pressure.
  • 17. Chili peppers: aids digestion, soothes sore throat, clears sinuses, combats cancer ,boosts immune system.
  • 18. Figs: promotes weight loss, helps stops strokes, lowers cholesterol, combats cancer , controls blood pressure.
  • 19. Fish: protects your heart, boosts memory, protects your heart, combats cancer, supports immune system.
  • 20. Flax: aids digestion, battles diabetes, protects your heart, improves mental health , boosts immune system.
  • 21. Garlic: lowers cholesterol, controls blood pressure, combats cancer, kills bacteria, fights fungus.
  • 22. Grapefruit: protects against heart attacks, promotes weight loss, helps stops strokes, combats prostate cancer, lowers cholesterol.
  • 23. Grapes: saves eyesight, conquers kidney stones, combats cancer, enhances blood flow, protects your heart.
  • 24. Green tea: combats cancer, protects your heart, helps stops strokes, promotes weight loss, kills bacteria.
  • 25. Honey: heals wounds, aids digestion, guards against ulcers, increases enery, fights allergies.
  • 26. Lemons: combats cancer, protects your heart, controls blood pressure, smoothes skin , stops scurvy.
  • 27. Limes: combats cancer, protects your heart, controls blood pressure, smoothes skin, stops scurvy.
  • 28. Mangoes: combats cancer, boosts memory, regulates thyroid, aids digestion, sheilds against Alzheimer’s.
  • 29. Mushrooms: controls blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, kills bacteria, combats cancer, strengthens bones.
  • 30. Oats: lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, battles diabetes, prevents constipation, smoothes skin.
  • 31. Olive: oil protects your heart, promotes weight loss, combats cancer, battlesBenefit of the 45 Foods That Heal diabetes , smoothes skin.
  • 32. Onions: reduce risk of heart attack, combats cancer, kills bacteria, lowers cholesterol, fights fungus.
  • 33. Oranges: supports immune systems, combats cancer, protects your heart, stregthens respiration.
  • 34. Peaches: prevents constipation, combats cancer, helps stops strokes, aids digestion, helps hemorroids.
  • 35. Peanuts: protects against heart disease, promotes weight loss, combats prostate, cancer lowers cholesterol.
  • 36. Dineapple: strengthens bones, relieves colds, aids digestion, dissolves warts, blocks diarrhea.
  • 37. Prunes: slows aging process, prevents constipation, boosts memory, lowers cholesterol, protects against heart disease.
  • 38. Rice: protects your heart, battles diabetes, conquers kidney stones, combats cancer, helps stops strokes.
  • 39. Strawberries: combats cancer, protects your heart, boosts memory, calms stress.
  • 40. Sweet potatoes: saves your eyesight, lifts mood, combats cancer, strengthens bones.
  • 41. Tomatoes: protects prostate, combats cancer, lowers cholesterol, protects your heart .
  • 42. Walnuts: lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, boosts memory, lifts mood , protects against heart disease.
  • 43. Water: promotes weight loss, combats cancer, conquers kidney stones, smooths skin.
  • 44. Wheat bran: combats colon cancer, prevents constipation, lowers cholesterol, helps stops strokes, improves digestion.
  • 45. Yogurt: guards against ulcers, strengthens bones, lowers cholesterol, supports immune systems, aids digestion.
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