"Until Philosophers are kings... | PLATO | Reading Time: 61 mins | |
The Symposium (c355BC) | 22 mins | ||
The Apology (c355BC) | 22 mins | ||
"If it is in our power to act nobly, | ARISTOTLE | 40 mins | |
The Politics (c300BC) | 22 mins | ||
"No pleasure is a bad thing in itself" | EPICURUS Sovran Maxims (c300BC) | 5 mins | |
"Virtue is the foundation of friendship" | CICERO On Friendship and Old Age (c50BC) | 16 mins | |
"...We live but for a moment" | Marcus AURELIUS | 21 mins | |
"Too late have I come to love you, O beauty so ancient and so fresh" | St AUGUSTINE | 40 mins | |
"The good are always strong" | Severinus BOETHIUS The Consolation of Philosophy (c520) | 10 mins | |
"Fortune favours the fool." | Desiderius ERASMUS In Praise of Folly (1515) | 11 mins | |
"All princes have more delights in warlike matters... than in the good feats of peace" | Thomas MORE | 12 mins | |
"Men ought either to be well treated or crushed" | Niccolò MACHIAVELLI | 31 mins | |
"Therefore, the earth is not flat" | Nicolaus COPERNICUS | 17 mins | |
"if a man ... be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties. | Francis BACON | 30 mins | |
"I think, therefore I am" | René DESCARTES | 26 mins | |
Discourse on Method (1637) | 12 mins | ||
"...the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" | Thomas HOBBES | 47 mins | |
"Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed." | Blaise PASCAL Thoughts (1660) | 24 mins | |
"there can be no hope without fear, and no fear without hope" | Baruch SPINOZA Ethics (1677) | 31 mins | |
"I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." | Isaac NEWTON | 20 mins | |
"I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts" | John LOCKE | 43 mins | |
"The soul is the mirror of the universe" | Gottfried LEIBNIZ Monadology (1698) | 8 mins | |
"Essence IS perception" | George BERKELEY | 20 mins | |
"It is never possible to deduce judgements of value from matters of fact" | David HUME | 26 mins | |
"Man was born free, and everywhere he is in irons" | Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU | 36 mins | |
"It is not from the benevolence of the.. baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest." | Adam SMITH | 50 mins | |
"Reason is the pupil of itself alone. | Immanuel KANT | 23 mins | |
Metaphysics of Morals (1785) | 28 mins | ||
"Mankind is governed by pain and pleasure" | Jeremy BENTHAM | 12 mins | |
"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil" | Thomas PAINE | 29 mins | |
"I do not wish them to have power over men; but over themselves." | Mary WOLLSTONECRAFT | 31 mins | |
"Cruelty is a virtue, not a vice." | Le Marquis De SADE | 31 mins | |
"Society... cannot be regarded as composed of individuals.." | Auguste COMTE Positive Philosophy (1795) | 15 mins | |
"War is the continuation of politics by other means" | Carl Von Clausewitz | 27 mins | |
"God is the absolute truth." | GWF HEGEL The Philosophy of Religion (1832) | 22 mins | |
"We can surely never arrive at the nature of things from without." | Arthur SCHOPENHAUER The World as Will and Idea (1844) | 12 mins | |
"The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas." | MARX and ENGELS | 22 mins | |
"Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign." | John Stuart MILL | 21 mins | |
A System of Logic (1843) | 12 mins | ||
"It is never too late to give up our prejudices.." | Henry D THOREAU | 33 mins | |
"...endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved." | Charles DARWIN | 38 mins | |
"When you stare into an abyss for a long time, | Friedrich NIETZSCHE | 36 mins | |
"If merely 'feeling good' could decide, | William JAMES Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) | 60 mins | |
"...we men... find reality generally quite unsatisfactory" | Sigmund FREUD | 27 mins | |
"Gott wĂĽrfelt nicht (God does not play dice)" | Albert EINSTEIN | 20 mins | |
"The world is the totality of facts, not things." | Ludwig WITTGENSTEIN | 20 mins | |
"The world is not there to be possessed | Adolf HITLER | 31 mins | |
"...logic and mathematics are true | A.J. AYER | 31 mins | |
"Once freedom has exploded in the soul of man, | Jean-Paul SARTRE | 10 mins | |
"Can machines think?" | Alan TURING Computing Machinery & Intelligence (1950) | 14 mins | |
"Science may be described as the art of | Sir Karl POPPER The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1957) |
Squashed Philosophers- Condensed Plato Aristotle Augustine Descartes Hume Marx Freud Copernicus Hobbes Sartre Ayer Sade Wittgenstein Einstein
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