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Friday, April 4, 2008

Save My Marriage | Marriage Gold

Based on statistics, successful marriages are becoming very rare. In fact, one in every three marriages usually ends up in divorce.

Married couples and experts do agree that the magical yet simple element in all relationships is the constant demonstration of one’s affection.

Researchers show that what produces pleasure and contentment in one’s marriage was frequently demonstrating affection.

Happily married couples have reciprocal respect for each other. Respect is shown in the way they regard each other in actions and in words; withholding humiliating words even in an argument.

In marriage, couples give their relationship utmost importance. They enjoy each other’s company and spend quality time together, like dating regularly. This indicates prioritizing their relationship that plants a foundation for their future at such time as when children have to leave home.

Each spouse must learn not to give importance to minor faults and flaws; determine the really important issues and those that are not. They become aware that the purpose of their conflicts was not really to win, but rather to establish a deeper relationship.

Successful marriages are not all alike. But researchers have discovered that there are some traits present in happily married couples that contribute to the success of their marriage.

Traits that of happily married couples include:

1.    Spouses in the relationship are giving. They give, not expecting things in return.

2.    There is commitment between each of them.  They continue to work for their partner’s happiness and are driven to work hard on their marriage.

3.    Being strong-minded makes their bond stronger.  While they cherish their individuality in expressing their opinions, making decisions and pursuing goals, putting their marital relationship in harmony is their priority.

4.    These couples have active sexual lives.  Sex plays a significant role in marriage, therefore they always find ways to make it more pleasurable.

5.    There is constant communication in their marriage. They are free to share their thoughts and opinions about anything, each one not manipulative of  the other but allowing each one to grow.

6.    Each one is sensitive to the other’s need.

7.    They establish goals together.  They agree on their goals as “partners in life”.

Marriage is a commitment for courageous individuals ready to risk their emotions, hard work, and challenges of building a life together.

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