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Thursday, April 10, 2008

How To Maximize The Power Of Your Mind - Day 4

Day 4: 'What You Should Feed The Mind'
Last time, we discovered that we have to focus on the conscious
mind as it's the gateway to the very powerful subconscious mind. We want to
careful as to what we feed the conscious mind because that inevitably goes to
the subconscious. This lesson is all about what to feed the conscious mind and
how to do it.
So what should you feed your conscious mind? If there's one thing you shouldn't
feed your conscious mind, it's junk food. Many people feed their minds with junk
food in the form of negative thoughts. You can't just have one chip right? You've
got to have one more and one more after that. It's the same thing with negative
thoughts. One is not enough and soon you down a whole bag of negative thoughts
and all that goes straight into your subconscious mind.
So what can we do to feed our mind nutritious food?
Reading is one of the best ways to feed your mind. Why read? Because when you
read, it's like talking to another person. Imagine having Thomas Jefferson,
James Allen, Napoleon Hill, John C. Maxwell by your side as your advisors.
You are in effective, sitting across a table from them and soaking up the wisdom
they have to offer by reading their books.

If you can read a book that summarizes 20 years of experience in 2 hours, is that
not a worthwhile investment? It most certainly is. The return you get is greater
than any stock, mutual fund, or commodity you can ever invest in.
So what type of books should you read to feed your conscious mind?
-autobiographies of successful people
-inspirational stories
-self improvement books
Let's tackle each type of book one at a time.
Autobiographies of successful people
I highly recommend reading these because by doing so, you get a snapshot of
the ENTIRE picture, the good times AND the bad times. You'll realize that there is
no happy go lucky journey where everything works just right. When you hear on the
news of people achieving huge goals seemingly overnight, the news tends to focus
only on the WIN, NOT the losses, not the mistakes, not the times where there was
self doubt, the times of depression. Autobiographies highlight the aspects that we
want to push under the rug but it's important that we understand ALL aspects of
the journey and how they all worked together to help in the achievement of goals.
Inspirational books
These books are here to drill in you the fact the power of the human spirit, that it
CAN be done. Sometimes, we forget this simple fact so these stories are here
to remind you. Remember the stories of the people I mentioned in the beginning of
this eCourse? Did you remember the hope that was filled within you when you read
their stories? Let that hope and knowledge fill you conscious mind and penetrate to
your subconscious mind so that you can start developing attitudes and actions that
reflect the CAN DO philosophy.
Self Improvement Books
This eCourse is but a fraction of the information that can be found on the topic of
self improvement. Your body and mind carry within them great potential so it only
make sense you learn all you can about them. Reading self improvement books
gives you that specialized knowledge you need to maximize your potential.
Build your library with these kinds of books and commit yourself to reading for at least
an hour a day and your life will change, guaranteed.
If you think about it, most people, even before they attempt to set a goal, operate
under the assumption of failure so they picture failure. They picture it and that goes
in the subconscious mind. What we need to do is start feeding success instead of
failure and these books do just that. By constantly reading them and feeding that
kind of information in your mind, it will drive the idea of success into your
subconscious, which then influences your future thoughts and actions accordingly.
The next best thing to reading is listening.
Instead of turning on the radio, buy some self improvement cds and listen to them
in your car. Leverage that time. The reasons why you should listen are the same
as the reasons as reading. If at all possible read, but if you cannot, listening is the
next best thing.
Listen to tapes in your car.
Listen to tapes while you clean your room.
Listen to tapes while you exercise.
Listen. Listen. Listen.
The next best thing to do after listening is to watch. Watch the inspirational movies.
We have a list of inspirational movies over in the discussion forum you can access
by clicking this url http://www.briankim.net/mastermind/showthread.php?t=1
(you may have to register to view the thread). Feel free to add some of your own as well.
Now it's your turn to voluntarily feed your mind. The mind thinks in pictures,
not in words. We use words to describe pictures. If you were to describe a park
you saw to a friend, you hold a picture of that park in your mind and you translate
that picture into words. Then those words enter the mind of your friend where it's
then reconstructed into pictures again. The language of the mind is pictures.
It's universal. It's the same in every country.
Start feeding into your mind the pictures you want, NOT the pictures you don't
want. Picture the kind of person you want to be. Picture the kind of job you want
to have. Do this constantly.
Feed your mind with these rich mental images and soon you will be unconsciously
taking action to get to it. Even though your current "reality" does not reflect the
picture you have in your mind, that doesn't matter (remember the lemon example?).
The subconscious mind only believes what's in the conscious mind. Picture what you
want and the subconscious mind will obey. It will naturally start altering your thoughts
and actions to achieve the pictures in your mind.
If you constantly picture the kind of job you want, you'll find yourself taking action
to get it. You'll be talking with friends and family about that job since it's always
on your mind, reading on articles on how to get jobs, making network connections,
etc. In other words, all your actions will start to become conducive because you've
fed your mind what you want in a language that it understands.
When you feed your mind what you want, there's no doubt you desire them.
Why else would you be feeding your mind these things? When you picture them,
really feel the emotion behind the things you want. Emotion is like adding gas to
the fire. Remember how I stressed the importance of emotion when I had you read
those two sentences in the previous lesson?
Emotion drills into your subconscious like no other. That's why people who read
affirmations without any emotions can't get results while people who read them with
emotion do. It's not enough to read something. You've got to feel the emotions
behind it. Emotions give it that kick that drives the picture deep into your
subconscious mind. Your thoughts are like jet fuel. Emotions are the match you
strike and throw into that fuel. I quote from Napoleon Hill "Your subconscious
mind recognizes and acts only upon thoughts which have been well mixed with
emotion or feeling."
If people have pictures of what they fear (fear is a powerful emotion), the
subconscious mind acts on that to subtly bring that into experience, which triggers
more fear so this process starts working against them.
You well know the difference between a speaker who "charges" his words with
feelings as opposed to a speaker who is dull, bone dry, and monotonous. Which speaker
has more of an effect on you? Obviously the one that is more passionate.
How much more will YOU, the speaker to your subconscious mind have more of
an effect on it if you "charge" your thoughts with emotions?
Start feeding your mind with nutritious information. Then picture what you want.
Most people don't bother picturing what they want because they don't think they
can have it.
That's why you must FIRST feed your mind with all of those books, tapes,
and movies to drill into you that YOU TOO have what it takes.
Now that your mind is being well fed, we want to start using that food as energy
to work the mind out and to strengthen it. That aspect of the eCourse will be
covered tomorrow.
To the inevitable achievement of all your hopes and dreams,
Brian Kim

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