With the general election only 7 months away, there is a certain excitement in the air about getting rid of Bush and all of his failed policies, among those being the war on drugs. It seems like every day there is some new research out proving that marijuana does have medical benefits from cancer and HIV patients to those with glaucoma or epilepsy, yet the DEA still spends its time busting people just for using medicine... now thats American. Now with the election on the horizon, we have a chance to put somebody into office who understands the medical value of marijuana, so what does your candidate think about medical marijuana? Lets take a look...Chronicfile blog
Barack ObamaWhen Barack Obama was asked early on in his campaign if he had ever smoked marijuana, he responded "Yes, and I inhaled... thats the point". So he used to enjoy the occasional recreational toke, but how does he feel about medical marijuana?
"When it comes to medical marijuana, I have more of a practical view than anything else. My attitude is that if it's an issue of doctors prescribing medical marijuana as a treatment for glaucoma or as a cancer treatment, I think that should be appropriate because there really is no difference between that and a doctor prescribing morphine or anything else. I think there are legitimate concerns in not wanting to allow people to grow their own or start setting up mom and pop shops because at that point it becomes fairly difficult to regulate.
So Barack wants to allow doctors who see fit be able to recommend marijuana as a treatment, and the doctors wouldn't have to worry about being prosecuted for making that recommendation.
Hillary ClintonWhen Hillary Clinton was asked her opinion on medical marijuana she responded...
"With respect to medical marijuana, you know I think that we have had a lot of rhetoric and the federal government has been very intent upon trying to prevent states from being able to offer that as an option for people who are in pain. I think we should be doing medical research on this. We ought to find what are the elements that claim to be existing in marijuana that might help people who are suffering from cancer and nausea-related treatments. We ought to find that out. I don't think we should decriminalize it, but we ought to do research into what, if any, medical benefits it has."
So Hillary isn't for it or against it, she thinks there needs to be more research done to show that marijuana has medical purposes, which is a better stance than our current guy.
John McCainWhen John McCain was asked about medical marijuana on the campaign trail, he gave the following response...
"Every medical expert I know of, including the AMA [American Medical Association], says that there are much more effective and much better treatments for pain than medical marijuana...I still would not support medical marijuana because I don't think that the preponderance of medical opinion in America agrees with [the] assertion that it's the most effective way of treating pain."
His response isn't really surprising considering his age and past, and the fact that he has been called "The second coming of Bush". However, the AMA does support unimpeded research on medical marijuana, as well as other major medical organizations including: The Institute of Medicine, The American Cancer Society; American Medical Association; Australian Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health; California Medical Association; Federation of American Scientists; Florida Medical Association; and the National Academy of Sciences.
When it's time to vote, remember it's important to vote for your interests, not just your political party. And if doctors can give you morphine and vicodin to help you, there is absolutely no reason your doctor can't give you cannabis to help you as well. Health, and the care of our fellow humans should be the top priority of our government and our health care providers. Money, shouldn't. Please register and vote this November!
So if the elections were held tomorrow, and the only issue was medical marijuana, who would your candidate be?
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