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Monday, March 31, 2008

How you can heal your life : Foods That Heal » Personal development for a perfect life

The health benefits of apples can be attributed to the fiber, flavonoids and fructose-translate, phenols and quercetin.
Apple is an excellent source of fiber, both soluble as well as insoluble fiber that can lower down the cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of hardening of the arteries, heart attack and stroke. Along with lowering the LDL cholesterol levels, fiber from apples also eliminates heavy metals like mercury, relieve constipation, have cancer protective activity, combat bowel irregularity, maintain blood glucose levels, prevent diverticulitis and colon cancer. Pectin helps to firm up an excessively lose stool and can be used to treat diarrhea.

Carrots are loaded with vitamin A. Just 1/2 cup contains 340 percent of your Daily Value. Vitamin A helps make white blood cells for fighting infection. It can also help repair postworkout microtears in muscle tissue. Other sources include; sweet potatoes, dried apricots, and spinach.

Apricot is a very good source of various nutrients like fiber, vitamin A, beta-carotene, lycopene and phytochemicals called carotenoids.
Beta-carotene and lycopene from apricots not only take care of a heart health by preventing oxidation of LDL cholesterol but also boosts your immune system which helps fight infections in the body. Vitamin A, a potent antioxidant helps to scavenge the free radicals that damages the cells and tissues and decreases the oxidative stress in the body. The carotenoid lycopene in apricots has a protective effect against breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.
Fiber from apricots help relieve constipation, they have cancer protective activity, prevent diverticulitis and colon cancer.

This mineral is a very important healing agent.Foods that are highest in zinc are red meats but those contain saturated fat, which aggravates inflamation. So instead of reaching for a slab of meat, go for some fortified whole-grain breakfast cereal instead. Thses can provide you as much as 100 percent of your daily value. It is not zinc by itself that repairs damaged tissue but it aids nutrients like protein and fats that do. You should never overdo any mineral, consuming too much zinc can lower your HDL Cholesterol (the good cholesterol) and supress your immune system. Other sources; sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

This fruit is a perfect irony, although it is loaded with fat (80%) it has a protective effect against, heart diseases, prevents cancer, dry hair, and even high cholesterol. It is an excellent source of glutathione which works together with selenium in the body to ward off the free radicals and create a healthy environment.

Almonds (about 20)are an excellent source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that supports the immune system by netralizing free radicals. They also contain mono and polyunsaturated fats (the good fats) which play a very important role in building healthy cells. Other sources: nut butters, avacados, vegetable oils.

Sunflower Seeds
These salty wonders have the highest natural vitamin E content of any food around. Everyone wants looking younger, and Vitamin E is one of the most important nutrients at fighting the aging effects of free radicals.

Cheese is prbably one of the best foods you can eat for your teeth. It’s a good source of calcium to keep your teeth strong. Plus, eating cheese can lower the levels of bacteria in your mouth and keep your teeth clean and cavity-free.

Chicken Soup
Chicken soup has to be at the top of the list. Hot chicken soup helps clear clogged airways, and the nourishing broth will give you more energy. Add plenty of vegetables, including onion and garlic, for extra healing power.

Hot and spicy food
Some folks swear by garlic, hot peppers or hot sauce to help break up congestion. Cook ethnic foods that contain these ingredients, or simply add hot sauce to foods for extra zip.

Citrus fruitscitrus
Reach for citrus fruits to increase your vitamin C intake. Drink orange juice for breakfast, snack on half a grapefruit, or add tangerine slices to a lunchtime salad. Increased vitamin C is especially important if you smoke, as smoking increases both your risks for colds and your body’s need for this protective vitamin.

Studies show that garlic lowers cholesterol and thins the blood, which help prevent high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Many people find liberal use of fresh ginger root helps treat colds and the flu. Try making a ginger tea: Pour a cup of boiling water over 2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger; let steep 5-10 minutes. The most important in these foods is perhaps Vitamin C which forms the basis of all medicinal solutions.

Scientists are discovering what natural healers have known for ages – mushrooms not only are important sources of nutrients but also stimulate the immune system. Researchers say that they possibly can help fight cancer and high cholesterol, and perhaps even AIDS.

Sea Vegetables

For hundreds, maybe thousands of years, sea vegetables have been used in Asian cultures to prevent and treat cancer. As is often the case, research now indicates that there is more than a little scientific evidence supporting these ancient healing methods. We need more clinical studies, but so far there have been some interesting population studies showing that sea vegetables can prevent tumors.

Honey contains three ingredients that make it ideal for treating wounds. Because it’s very high in sugar, it absorbs much of the moisture inside wounds, making it hard for bacteria to survive. In addition, honey contain large amounts of hydrogen peroxide, the same medicine used at home to disinfect cuts and scrapes. Finally, honey contains propolis, a compound in nectar that kills bacteria.

Stay hydrated with plenty of liquids. Instead of coffee, soda or sweetened beverages drink plenty of water and pure fruit juices. Hot beverages work better for some people; try tea, hot water mixed with lemon or even hot lemonade.

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